
doc. Ing. arch. Dana Matějovská, Ph.D.

vedoucí Ústavu modelového projektování

Matějovská, D.
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Praha: Nakladatelství ČVUT, 2021. ISBN 978-80-01-06820-5.
Kvalita vysokých škol závisí na kvalitě jejich absolventů. Pro školy architektury je prestižní, pokud se jejich absolventi stanou významnými architekty. Vysoké školy architektonického typu by měly mít mezi svými pedagogy právě architekty z praxe s uměleckým tvůrčím potenciálem, který je důležitou inspirací pro studenty.
Matějovská, D. - Achten, H.
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In: Anthropologic: Architecture and Fabrication in the Cognitive Age.Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2. Berlín: Berlin Technical University, 2020. p. 527-534. ISSN 2684-1843. ISBN 9789491207211.
Stať ve sborníku
Scientific output has well-established methods for comparing and scoring the quality and quantity of the work. For artistic output this matter is not settled at all and a subject of much debate. We present a method which has been developed in Czech republic since 2011. This method is used to compare and score the artistic output of all schools of arts in the country (for example, music, performative arts, architecture, literature, sculpture, painting). The system presented in this paper is based on the Saaty-method (also known as Analytic Hierarchy Process). After almost eight years of development and use, the system has proven as a valuable asset to assess in an objective way output between many different forms of artistic works. In 2016 the system was incorporated in the Higher Education Act. In the paper we present a brief history of the development and the principles of AHP applied in the system. In particular, we will focus on the findings in architecture derived from the system. Finally, we will discuss possible implications for architectural education in general.
Matějka, P. - Cajthaml, J. - Cikrle, P. - Čada, V. - Fošumpaur, P. - Hromada, E. - Koutná, H. - Kristek, J. - Kuda, F. - Machotka, R. - Marek, A. - Matějovská, D. - Motyčka, V. - Nový, A. - Nývlt, V. - Pešková, Z. - Pruška, J. - Remeš, J. - Růžička, J. - Schneiderová Heralová, R. - et al.
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[Research Report] 2020.
Výzkumná zpráva
Cílem zprávy je na obecné úrovni zmapovat situaci výuky BIM na českých veřejných vysokých školách se stavebním zaměřením. Zpráva tak reaguje na ne vždy zcela jasné představy praxe o tom, zda a jakým způsobem se BIM na vysokých školách vyučuje. Uvedený přehled je důležitý nejen pro případnou spolupráci akademického, veřejného a soukromého sektoru, ale také pro praxi, která je v roli zaměstnavatele absolventů vysokých škol. Cílem zprávy v žádném případě není vytvářet srovnání jednotlivých oslovených institucí, protože charakter zprávy je spíše informativní a jakékoliv kvantifikované hodnocení by vzhledem ke struktuře vstupních dat mohlo být zavádějící nebo velmi subjektivní.
Matějovská, D. - Vinšová, I. - Jirát, M., - Achten, H.
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In: ShoCK! Sharing of Computable Knowledge! Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, 20th-22nd September 2017, Rome, Italy. Volume 1.. Řím: Sapienza University of Rome, 2017. p. 147-152. vol. 1. ISBN 9789491207129.
Stať ve sborníku
This paper is about the uptake of BIM in the design studio in the Bachelor studies. In the current study year at our school we have the first cohort of students that have followed integral education of BIM from the very start of their study programme. We assess the usage of BIM in the final project work. The final data are not in yet, but we can observe a slight increase of the use of BIM in the design studio work.
Vinšová, I. - Achten, H., - Matějovská, D.
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In: Real Time: Extending the Reach of Computation. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. Volume 2. Wien: Technische Universität, 2015. p. 127-131. ISBN 9789491207099.
Stať ve sborníku
Although we teach BIM since 2006 at the Faculty of architecture at Czech Technical University in Prague, the education has never been fully integrated into the curriculum of the school. In 2013/2014 this changed, and three tracks were initialized to integrate BIM: (1) teaching BIM in the first year; (2) applying BIM in a selected first year design studio; and (3) applying BIM in a selected third year Bachelor graduation design studio. The implementation of the work is described, results are presented, and we draw conclusions for future work.
Nováková, K. - Achten, H. - Prokop, Š. - Matějovská, D., - Čapek, J.
Publikováno v
[Research Report] 2014. Report no. 201401.
Výzkumná zpráva
Polyethylene terephthalate PET is a material with which each of us is confronted daily and which forms the largest part of the plastic waste which is designated for recycling (RPET). Society strives to achieve that the majority of RPET produced disposables are returned back into the production line after their use. Since our planet has only a limited supply of natural materials, we need to replace some of these with artificial materials, ideally recycled. Recycling can be done many times (not just once), however it depends on the quality of purity or impurity of RPET. The research report presents the current state of research to apply RPET using existing and proven technology for blow-molding bottles for use in architecture and construction. The basic element is a brick of rPET material. In the first phase we present the geometric properties of the future brick with respect to use of the blow-molding technology and stackability of the bricks without using connecting materials.
Vinšová, I. - Matějovská, D., - Achten, H.
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In: Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Education and research in Computer aided Architectural Design in Europe, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, UK, 10-12 September 2014, Volume 2. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Northumbria University, 2014. p. 411-415. ISBN 9789491207068.
Stať ve sborníku
In this paper we investigate the current state of BIM usage in Czech Republic and aim to find strategies how to improve BIM education based on findings from practice. We give an outline of the current state, identify problems that provide hurdles for BIM adoption, and show how we implement a new pedagogical approach to BIM education in our faculty.
Nováková, K. - Jakubal, V. - Achten, H., - Matějovská, D.
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In: eCAADe 2013: Computation and Performance vol.1. Delft: Technical University of Delft, 2013. p. 213-218. ISBN 978-94-91207-04-4.
Stať ve sborníku
. In this paper we present an application we developed for collaborative sketch sharing within a design process. We review the specific application development process and discuss the features of the application itself. The tool has been tested and used in a design studio setting between two universities located in different countries. We observed that it is suitable for architectural communication, and also allows monitoring of the sketch activity during the design process. This paper also describes application architecture and selected technologies. We have furthermore defined multiple groups of application requirements. Our self-developed application was proven to suit specified needs and overcame previously tested commercial tools.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: doc. Ing. arch. Dana Matějovská, Ph.D.