Gallery on the gallery

A reference departmental gallery in which teachers and postgraduate students of the Department of Theory and History of Architecture exhibit the best of their work and research.

There are no doors. There are no windows.

It is open 24/7 and it is free.

Right now:

Softness of technical science

The opening night on 21. November 2023 at 5. p.m.
The accompanying text of the exhibition is only in Czech, however the exposition itself does not need any translation.


Coming soon:



Who was Stavoprojekt?
The interactive exhibition presented the fates of real people who worked almost secretly for this state-owned enterprise.
Finder and SHP
monuments of building history surveys and their specifics in the architecture of the 20th century
30 years of free architecture
texts about Czech and Czech-Slovak architecture here and abroad published around 1989
publications, texts, building history surveys focused on Czech-Slovak architecture of the eighties of the 20th century
The real Santini
students selected interesting details and typical composition techniques from the buildings of the famous architect

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.