Cabinet of Languages

The Cabinet provides compulsory professional language instruction (Language for Special Purposes) in English, German and French variation. Besides LSP we open preparatory courses of English, German, French and Czech for both students and the public within the Lifelong Education. In the Cabinet foreign students and applicants for study can take B1 and B2 examinations within the CEFR (Central European Framework of Reference). Our staff includes native English speakers from Great Britain and the USA . We also offer proofreading of English seminary, semestral, bachelor, diploma and other projects.

The better students master foreign languages, the more diverse opportunities are available to them for exchange study programs and work internships. The knowledge of another international language in addition to English is an advantage – it opens the door to applying to some of the renowned schools in, for example, in France, Switzerland, etc. that do not provide courses in English.

Information on mobility within the Czech Technical University in Prague


FA CTU: Study abroad

Updated information on winter semester 2019/2020

Here you can find current schedules of language courses, examination terms in Czech language for foreigners and on PhD study.

We have published the updated schedule of preparatory courses within the Lifelong Education Programme, information for the 1st grade students, test results and instructions for additional enrolment. Here you can also download the updated schedule of professional language for the 2nd and 3rd grade students. You can also find information on examination terms in Czech language for foreigners and on PhD study.

  1. Updated schedule of preparatory courses within the Lifelong Education Programme for all grades.
  2. Updated schedule of compulsory and compulsory-optional courses of professional language for 2nd and 3rd grade students in winter semester of the academic year 2019/20.
  3. Study material for PhD students. General information on PhD study
  4. Czech language for foreign students at the Faculty of Architecture

FA CTU students are offered the following opportunities:


The Cabinet of Foreign Languages FA (Institute 15126) organizes examinations in Czech language on levels B1 and B2. The examinations are commonly held in winter or summer examination periods, the examination dates are announced on the Cabinet website. Students can also apply for individual examination dates. Updated information on examinations is available on the Cabinet website, see link


Current examination terms in Czech language for foreign students

You can sit for the examination on levels B1 or B2 on Tuesdays (26th Nov, 3rd Dec, 10th Dec) at 14:30 p.m. in room 207. Applications by email on: katerina.valentova@fa.cvut.cz

Further examinationterms will be announced in January 2020.


1. The Cabinet of Foreign Languages organizes courses of Czech language on various levels within the programme of Life-long Education. Detailed infomation is available on the FA website, see link

2. Further courses of Czech language can be found on the CTU (ČVUT) website under the item of Life-long Education, see link

3. or on the website of the Masaryk Institute, CTU (ČVUT), see link

4. Beside all these you can attend Czech courses organized by language departments at other CTU faculties, e.g. at the neighbouring Faculty of Civil Engineering, see link

Answering questions:

In case of any questions on Czech language at FA contact PhDr. Kateřina Valentová on the address katerina.valentova@fa.cvut.cz


For the content of this site is responsible: PhDr. Kateřina Valentová