Department of Load-bearing Structures

The department teaches the following subjects: Mathematics, Descriptive Geometry, Statics, Loadbearing Structures, and it offers consultations in complex studios. The instruction of mathematics and descriptive geometry is designed so that students learn the subject matter, which forms a theoretical basis for specialized subjects. Both subjects develop students’ spatial imagination, logical and abstract thinking. The instruction of statics and loadbearing structures is focused on students’ acquisition of a comprehensive view of the physical behaviour of the loadbearing structures both generally and specifically for different construction materials. It further seeks to cultivate students’ abilities to optimally choose construction systems, including their foundation.

The department arranges the teaching of the subjects Mathematics I and II, Descriptive Geometry I and II, Statics I and II, Load-Bearing Structures I−V (designing load-bearing structures according to limit states, concrete and masonry structures, steel and wooden structures, the foundation of structures, selected treatises on load-bearing structures – historical structures and modern structures), provides consultation on statics in complex studios and leads the structural/statics section of theses.

The teaching of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry is conceived with the goal of making it easy for the students to learn the subjects, which are the theoretical basis for advanced technical and depictive subjects. Both disciplines develop spatial reasoning as well as logical and abstract thought.

The teaching of statics and load-bearing structures focuses on the students obtaining a comprehensive view of the behaviour of load-bearing structures both generally and in terms of building materials, and on nurturing the ability to optimise the structural systems, including their establishment. The end of the master’s studies is supplemented with an electable subject on the reconstruction of historical structures and the design of modern structures.

The department contributes to doctorate studies in the field of architecture, civil engineering and technology (taught by Associate Professor Ing. Karel Lorenz, CSc. and Associate Professor Dr. Ing. Martin Pospíšil, Ph.D.) and it is the workplace for pedagogical practice for doctoral students of CTU’s Klokner Institute in Prague (civil engineering doctoral study programme, the guarantor of the program is Professor Dr. Ing. Milan Holický, DrSc., Dr. h. c.). The postdoctoral researcher Dr. Sophie Eberhardt, Ph.D. from the Université de Strasbourg is currently in the institute on a long-term research residency under the direction of Associate Professor Pospíšil.

The department’s scientific research activities are oriented on regulatory activities and applied research in the field of metal and wooden structures, structures made of stone and masonry structures, during which the institute cooperates with CTU’s Klokner Institute, the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the National Heritage Institute and the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing. The activities of the section of exact sciences is focused on Differential Geometry and Applied Mathematics; here the institute cooperates with the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague.

The foreign universities we cooperate with are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Boston−Cambridge, USA) and the Centre d´Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques na Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne in Paris, for whose students we provide lectures and professional tours in the field of the history of technology during their stays at the CTU in Prague.

Work on research tasks

photo by M. Pospíšil

Students' work

photo by J. Ryszawý

For the content of this site is responsible: prof. Dr. Ing. Martin Pospíšil, Ph.D.