
prof. Ing. arch. ir. Zdeněk Zavřel, dr. h. c.

Dean of the FA CTU (2006-2014), who brought the faculty closer to European standards as he had known them during his Dutch tenure. He graduated from architecture at CTU in 1966, then worked at Atelier Delta and was an intern at Van den Broek and Bake in the Netherlands. He had been a member of the so-called Preschool in SIAL Liberec since 1970. He emigrated to the Netherlands in 1978, where he built an office in Rotterdam and developed a number of residential and civic buildings. He also taught at TU Delft. He was Head of the Department of Architectural II until 2018. In 1998, he received a GRAND PRIX CCA for his lifelong work and is the recipient of the Golden Felber Medal (2013) and laureate of the ČKA Tribute Award (2020).

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Dalibor Hlaváček, Ph.D.