
prof. Ing. arch. ir. Zdeněk Zavřel, dr. h. c.


1983 Graduation from TU Delft, afd. Construction customers
1971 Salzburg Seminar of American Studies
1960–1966 CTU, Faculty of Civil Engineering, field of study architecture and urbanism

Profesional activity

1985–2008 Registered architect in Rotterdam, NL
1992–1994 Secretary of CSAF, Organization of symposia "Dutch housing model" in the Czech Republic
1978–1985 Van den Broek and Bakema, Rotterdam, designer
1970–1978 Nurseries member SIAL Liberec
1966–1970 Employee of the Association of Project Studios, Delta Studio

Academic activity

2016 Doctor honoris causa STUBA, Slovakia
2006–2017 Member of the Scientific Board of CTU, Scientific and Artistic Board of FA
2012–2017 Member of the Scientific and Artistic Council of FA STUBA, Slovakia

Teaching activity

2014–2018 FA CTU - Vice-Dean for International Relations
2010–2017 FA CTU - Head of the Department of Architectural Design II, garant of the course Ecology I
2010 Appointed professor, FA CTU
2008 Appointed associate professor, BUT
2006–2014 Dean of FA CTU
since 2006 Head of a studio at FA CTU
1981–1997 Lecturer TU Delft, afd. Bouwkunde, Department of Residential Construction
1980–1997 Head of the studio and co-investigator of research tasks FA TU Delft, member of the NL research team on IEA research projects - task XIII and task XXIII and implementation of experimental projects

Selected publications

  • HLAVÁČEK, Dalibor, ZAVŘEL, Zdeněk. Teaching a Sustainable Approach on CTU – Faculty of Architecture.. Leuven: EAAE 2011.
  • Zavřel, Zdeněk.: Složitá jednoduchost hledání odpovědí v architektonické praxi, VUT Brno, 2009
  • Solar Energy Houses of IEA Task 13 The NL Apartment Building in Amstelveen, ISBN 1 873936 37 0
  • Česká architektura 1989–1999, České Centrum v Paříži, ISBN 80-902736-0-2

Selected projects and realizations

1999–2008 Embassy building of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ghana, Accra
2001–2003 Family house in Podještědí
1994–1997 Czech Center in Rue Bonaparte, Paris
1985–2005 Residential and civic buildings in major cities in the Netherlands
1970–1978 Projects and competitions in the Czech Republic, including the project of the Czech Hut on Sněžka (1975)


2014 Honorary member of the Czech Chamber of Architects
2010 2nd prize in the competition for the center of Znojmo
1998 GRAND PRIX ČKA for lifelong work
1978–2000 A number of awards in local competitions in the Netherlands
1981 1. Prize in the European competition of solar architecture

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Dalibor Hlaváček, Ph.D.