Exhibition of Studio Projects

Natural swimming pool at Lanškroun ponds

Bc. Iryna Vazmitsel


At the natural swimming pool in Lanškroun, I dealt with the revitalization of the area near Terezín Spa. I completed the embankment of Dlouhý rybník with a wooden pier, facilities for a public swimming pool and wellness. The promenade fulfills two basic functions: it guides a person across the pond and indicates the limit of clean water for a public swimming pool. The root cleaner creates a private space for wellness. I renovated the old restaurant building and boat rental. I canceled the newest extension to return attention to the original landmark - the Terezín Spa building. I replaced the extension with a simple mass, which contrasts in appearance with the original building, but does not compete with it in any way.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Josef Mádr