Exhibition of Studio Projects

Housing Vršovická

Bc. Martin Krejčí



Inner city or periphery? One of the gateways to Vršovice and Nusle, between Havlíčkovy sady and Nádraží Vršovice, and yet it looks bleak and characterless. It is as if for a moment one finds oneself with one foot in another dimension. A disjointed group of buildings of different functions and characters combined with an excess of public space, vagueness, lack of the ability to name and identify the place... These ills can be eliminated or suppressed and the environment improved by defining the place, giving it meaning and character. That is why I am proposing a set of intense, but human, apartment buildings on the plot, as the first swallow of the transformation of the whole area, which will soon turn into one of the main transport hubs of Prague after the construction of the metro D.

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Michal Kuzemenský