Research projects

Small Architecture in Public Space of the Post-War Period

The aim of this project is mapping the realized and unrealized post-war objects which are in the borderland of architecture and design such as: tobacconists, telephone booths, bus and tram stops, notice boards, advertising surfaces, small houses for policemen etc. - objects with specific function in the public space. Who were the authors of these objects? This topic is important therefore the authors were the artists in many cases, not only architects and engineers. The task of the three-year project is to trace the social context, the relationship between small architecture and the surroundings or the neighboring buildings and to document the still-standing objects and their transformations over time. How many of them are still use and have their original purpose at present? Is possible to use some of them for another purpose? The project should document the historical development of individual objects and their types. The modularity and ergonomics were important topics of the post-war period, significantly supported by prefabrication of buildings. Another aim is to find out how much was the prefabrication and the industrial production important for the small architecture. Were the designs of the objects purely standardized, or were the products original designed, too?

For the content of this site is responsible: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.