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Stavební robotické systémy

Petrš, J. - Havelka, J. - Florián, M., - Novák, J.
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In: ShoCK! Sharing of Computable Knowledge! Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, 20th-22nd September 2
The paper explores the use of in-house developed self-reconfigurable modular robotic system in civil construction activities and investigates a concept where an arbitrary Civil Engineering structure or a daily use industrial product are self-assembled from a number of self-reconfigurable composite blocks. The system extends current range of modular robot systems (mDrs) where autonomous modules self-assemble into a wide variety of forms. However, contrary to conventional mDrs, MoleMOD has not mechatronic actuating parts permanently fixed to each individual module. The MoleMOD actuators are separable and operate inside the modules, tight them together or relocate them to required configuration. It significantly reduces number of expensive mechatronics parts and the environment the actuators operate. Although MoleMOD focuses on architecture, it can take over other mDrs tasks as research and rescue. This paper describes properties, advantages, foreseen applications, and basic design specifications of the second generation prototype.
Petrš, J.P
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In: 8th Architecture in Perspective. Ostrava: Fakulta stavební, Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2016. p. 137-141. ISBN 978-80-248-3940-0.
Příspěvek mapuje možnosti, a porovnává různé typy robotických systémů pro aplikaci v architektuře, ty by neměli být v budoucnu využitelné jen pro těžce dostupná místa, lokality postižené katastrofami, osidlování Marsu atd. Měli by se stát součástí budoucích sídel i jednotlivých staveb vzhledem k častým změnám ve společnosti, klimatu a politice. Tyto změny lze těžko predikovat a je třeba být připraven na jejich neustálé přeměny. Podobně jako jsou schopny se adaptovat přírodní systémy tak i lidská sídla by se měla k tomuto principu přibližovat.
Petrš, J.
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In: The Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR2016) Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, September 19-21, 2016 Proceedings. Lodž: The
Last two decades some architects have used tools, which are based on nature principles. Thanks to globalization and multidisciplinary, contemporary architecture uses principles based on computing design, engineering, sociology or nature systems. Implementation of these principles brings new possibilities to architecture and design and new ways how to develop it. This paper focuses on intelligence of swarm (SI) in architecture and describes several principles and examples which are using intelligence of nature systems like ants, birds, locusts etc. Contemporary Architecture should count with many changes which are still in progress. It is very difficult to predict, what will be tomorrow. Using of the dynamic principles in architecture, design and civil engineering could help us to be ready for these changes. Like ant colony or schooling of fish can adapt on non-predicted changes, also city or building should be capable of this. This is not useful just for dynamic and kinetic architecture, but also for finding a form of static building or city. In this paper several SI algorithms and four types of SI use in architecture are described: space optimization, swarm urbanism, swarm modelling and swarm robotics.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.