Department of Public Relations

The main mission of the Department of Public Relations is to maintain not only external but also internal awareness within our academic community.

  • We promote all events held at the faculty.
  • We promote study among applicants.
  • We manage the main faculty website. Among the news and events in the calendar you will find invitations to lectures, exhibitions, workshops, reports on the achievements of our students and teachers, successful student projects, offers of participation in student architectural competitions or opportunities to obtain scholarships at foreign universities.
  • We send out a newsletter.
  • We provide technical support to both teachers and students who post information on the faculty website. (Teachers on studio or department sites, students on publishing their studio work.)
  • For graduates, we film a talk show Po škole?
  • We communicate with the media and issue press releases. For a summary, see the For Media.
  • We do press monitoring and we publish in the References section as others write about us.
  • We also communicate through social media networks Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.
  • Online and offline, we promote faculty studies among potential applicants, providing advertisements.
  • We organize open days and internships for high school students.
  • In cooperation with the Institute of Physical Education and Sports CTU, we organize introductory courses / warm up courses for first-year students or internships for high school students.
  • We participate in the Gaudeamus study opportunities fairs.
  • We prepare and publish the Yearbook of the Faculty of Architecture of CTU in Prague and the Alfa faculty bulletin.
  • We provide faculty promotional items which we also sell.
  • We organise regular faculty cultural and social events 
  • We host one-off events to mark important anniversaries
    • 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution
    • 45th anniversary of the founding of the CTU independent Faculty of Architecture
  • We get involved in all-university and all-Prague events

For the content of this site is responsible: Ing. arch. Kateřina Rottová, Ph.D.