Department of Fine Arts

Watercolour and a city in perspective

The subject of the course is watercolour and its techniques, as well as the theory of perspective focused primarily on urban spaces. The course will also be open to foreign applicants, i.e. that, if necessary, it will be bilingual, Czech and English. The course follows a series of U3V courses that have been running for a long time at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University. The course is also open to new applicants; there is no requirement of previous art studies. The desire to learn new things is more important.

In the first class, there will be a lecture about the history of watercolour. We will give information on what paints, what tools and what brushes will be used in this course. Ongoing information on watercolour techniques: painting wet to wet, painting wet to dry. Practicing estimating the paint and estimating the amount of water in the brush. Colour theory, practising mixing colours, using the whiteness of the ground, gradient of dark from light, gradient between two colours.

In parallel, imparting information on perspective (focusing on the city), mostly perspective from the ordinary horizon of a standing person. But also a perspective above the horizon, transversal even to two runners. Practicing the acquired knowledge.

If the weather permits, the last hours of the course will be held outdoors in the open air, where we will put the newly acquired information to the test in practice.

At the end of the course a document (certificate of completion) will be issued.

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Contact: Secretary Mrs. Radka Formánková, room No 412, phone: +420 224 356 269, mob: +420 731 450 581, mail: formarad@fa.cvut.cz

Login via ČVUT Website:

Start: The course starts on 3th March, 2023, at 9:30 in the room 403 on the 4th floor of FA ČVUT, Thákurova 9, Prague 6. The course will end on 12th May 2023.

Number of lessons: There will be 10 lessons, one lesson each week on Friday, beginning at 9:30 am, finish at 12:30 pm.

Number of course participants: The maximum number of students is 40 (20 for one drawing room)

Equipment and aids:

At the first meeting, all students will be given information about all the aids. It is possible to use ordinary papers and school watercolours, but it is much more difficult to achieve excellent results. We recommend buying a basic, larger watercolour brush, or supplementing it with a wide brush and a narrow brush. We recommend high-quality aquarelle colours (smallest possible basic set), watercolour block (A4 and A3). If you are going to buy these supplies in advance, we recommend visiting a special art shop (e.g. Altamira).

Course price: 500 CZK. Pay by bank transfer. It is not possible to pay in the secretary's office.

Lecturers: Ing. BcA. Jiří Kárník (inquiries: jirikarnik@seznam.cz) and MgA. Radek Macke

Course guarantor: Ing. arch. akad. mal. Ivan Vosecký, Head of the Department of Fine Arts, FA CTU

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Ivan Vosecký