
doc. Ing. arch. Milena Hauserová, CSc.

Research projects

duration of the project
The aim of the project is creating a model documentation and comparaison of the eldest preserved historical heaters and their inner (functionnal) structures with an accent on comparation with younger heaters from the rural social range and with technological facilities focusing on widening knowledge about vanished medieval and early modern heaters.
Responsible person
Uhlík, J.
duration of the project
The project will seek answers to questions regarding forms of interaction between the then theory of monument conservation and building practice outside Prague at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. It will expand and fill in the existing fragmentary knowledge of this issue and, at the same time, it will create conditions for impact assessment of new findings on modern monument conservation. New knowledge will enable to enrich the teaching of monument conservation at FA CTU thus contributing to the improvement of teaching in the area of the treatment of building and urban heritage, it will provide valuable reference material for doctoral thesis of the applicant and it will contribute to strengthening of cultural memory in the surveyed regions.
Responsible person
Poláková, J.
duration of the project
The aim of the project is to recover discussion of the importance of the perception of the historical development of the landscape and its relevance to the current structure and operation of the territory. Exploring the development of the preserved detached monuments we obtain a basis for the interpretation of the functionality of the wider community even after the collapse of the settlement in the immediate vicinity. We chose the Černokostelecko region for its unique character, which can be observed stagnation of settlement and the gradual destruction of the settlement pattern.

For the content of this site is responsible: doc. Ing. arch. Tomáš Efler