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Volovár, M.
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Pamiatky a múzeá. 2024, 2024(2), 12-17. ISSN 1335-4353.
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Článok pojednáva o prízemnej hrazdenej kúrii v Boliarove neďaleko Košíc. Okolo r. 1862 si ju dal postaviť miestny zemiansky pár, manželia Egererovi. Drevohlinená konštrukcia stien bola zvolená ako úsporné riešenie, materiálovo identické so súdobým miestnym ľudovým staviteľstvom, čo vo svojej dobe nebolo výnimočné, dnes je kúria jedinou svojho druhu na Slovensku a preto veľmi cennou pamiatkou. V roku 2023 bola vyhlásená za národnú kultúrnu pamiatku. V článku približujeme históriu jej obyvateľov, pôdorysný rozvrh, stavebný vývoj zaznamenaný pri výskume, popisujeme konštrukciu a poukazujeme na jej regionálny kontext.
Tichá, J. - Boudová, P.
Publikováno v
In: Landscape Architecture and Infrastructure of the Twentieth Century. Delft: Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), 2024. p. 105-107. ISBN 978-90-833867-0-6.
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The chapter discusses the only partly executed original design of a modern park in a 1960s housing district in Prague by Otakar Kuča and its reconstruction from early 21st century.
Kalina, P. ed. - Roca De Amicis, A. ed.
Publikováno v
Řím, 2023-06-06/2023-06-07. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2024. 1. ISBN 978-80-244-6397-1.
Seidler, D.
Publikováno v
In: XVIII International Academic Conference WISE CITY THEORY AND PRACTICE Challenges in the Face of Cricis. Krakow: Cracow University of Technology, 2024. p. 27. ISBN 978-83-955526-5-6.
Abstrakt ve sborníku
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Many cities are struggling with lack of space, high demand for using attractive locations and costs of properties. Closer look to the urban structure, its historical development and current state might reveal empty spaces, that are left unused for a long time. Large areas like brownfields are often part of the whole city masterplan or intention of big private investors. Smaller plots from street gaps to hardly buildable lands in a dense structure might be left unused for complicated building conditions as well as various ownership reasons. The abstract explores the theme of unused small plots and their potential to become helpful contributions in the neighbourhood by strategic steps and different architectural means of exploring land use possibilities. Those small empty sites are often surrounded by fence and waiting for a better condition to increase their economic value. Some of those plots are used by makeshift objects with lack of valuable purpose. Furthermore, those objects are often not building up on the site potential or solving problems. Nevertheless, temporary objects might be the first step to fully engage complicated and empty plots to the liveable city structure, serving residents by different types of temporary or even pop-up structures of different content. Even the mode of using instead of leaving empty plots behind the fence might increase the vitality of the neighbourhood, foster the community, and test the possibility of more permanent site usage. To follow the sustainable development of build environment, empty lands in urban fabric can be a chance to deal with growth, especially increasing number of cities´ s population. Smaller plots located in the stabilized historical urban structure are often subjects of different requirements. On the other site those smaller unused sites might be considered as one of the few opportunities to improve the liveability of a certain part of the city. A strategic approach that involves stakeholders like city planners, architects, community groups, residents, and professionals from different fields of specialization, can move forward engaging urban gabs to the whole urban form with positive impact. The way those small empty sites can be used might be different than just constructing a building. One of the well-known examples is Aldo van Eyck´s work on playgrounds in Amsterdam during 70s and 80s of the 20th century. Van Eyck used to propose playground objects placed on empty sites or fulfilling street gaps remaining after destroyed houses during the Second World War. Some of the contemporary proposals use the same scheme of turning the empty plot in the historical urban fabric into playgrounds, e.g. Paris' basketball court Pigalle Duperré. What are the other options, architectural means and which fully described scenario with consequences helps to engage small unused plots in an urban structure?
Ullmannová, K.
Publikováno v
In: High-Tech Heritage (Im)permanence of Innovative Architecture. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2024. p. 209-213. ISBN 978-3-0356-2784-8.
Kapitola v knize
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The Máj department store in Prague, Czech Republic, an example of early high-tech and neofunctionalist influences, has been a listed heritage building since 2007. It is currently undergoing an extensive refurbishment. This article examines the evolution of how the architecture of the Máj department store is portrayed in academic literature and media reports. It traces the development of this representation over time and addresses the issues raised by its ongoing renovation.
Sabeh Affaki, M. - Ullmannová, K., - Vicherková, V.
Publikováno v
In: AMPS Proceedings Series. AMPS, 2024. p. 174-186. 35. vol. 1. ISSN 2398-9467.
Stať ve sborníku
Prague’s historic center was listed as a World Heritage Site of an Outstanding Universal Value in 1992, due to it being an example of an urban development that goes back to the medieval ages and an urban architectural ensemble of outstanding quality with its monuments and townscape that is associated with key historical events. However, following the reports of two monitoring missions by the World Heritage Committee, in 2008 and 2019, the visual integrity of the center was deemed to be at risk in Decision 44 COM 7B.44 for the year 2021. Multiple issues were highlighted, including oversized buildings and amalgamations, unregulated rooftop interventions, and transportation management issues. This paper delves into the discussion surrounding oversized structures and their impact on the visual integrity of Prague's historic center. To this aim, it revisits the definition of integrity and its prerequisites and analyzes the committee's decision and the diverse local reactions – including the official state party's response and the measures undertaken to protect the center's visual integrity. The cross-examination of documents, discourses, and practical applications highlights the multitude of challenges involved in assessing visual integrity and implementing effective preservation methods.
Fuchs, P. - Gál, M., - Tichá, J.
Publikováno v
In: 15th Architecture in Perspective/ 15. Architektura v perspektivě. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita v Ostravě, 2024. p. 132-138. ISBN 978-80-248-4711-5.
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Životní styl na venkově se dynamicky proměňuje. Řada venkovských domů je neobydlená, pouze malé procento budov je památkově chráněných. Hospodářské stavby již neplní svůj účel. Zachovávají ale typický výraz venkova a připomínají, jak udržitelně žily předchozí generace. (Koolhaas, 2020; Council of Europe, 2022) Jak reaguje architektura pomocí konverze vesnických domů a statků? V příspěvku se zaměříme na novostavby vstupující do struktury, která byla ve velmi špatném technickém stavu. Projekt tedy využívá pouze fragment bývalé stodoly nebo otevřeně přiznává poškození původního domu. Můžeme narazit na různé přístupy k ruině statku, od romantické estetizace po pragmatické využití. Do architektonické praxe vstupuje globalizovaná nabídka materiálů a inspirace z internetu, která stírá regionální detaily při úpravách venkovských budov. Jsou ale autorské zprávy o využití všech místních materiálů skutečně pravdivé? A je obnovení postupů z minulosti udržitelné pro okolní krajinu?
Mlynčeková, L. - Chrzanová, D. - Nedomová, R., - Blahová, L.
Publikováno v
Trenčín: Hlava 5 / Catch 5, 2023. ISBN 9788057046127.
Text popisuje kontext vzniku ateliérov Stavoprojektu celkovo, t. j. v Českej republike a na Slovensku, a následne sa bližšie venuje jednotlivým trom ateliérom v Trnave. Popisuje tiež ich jedinečnosť, premeny, štrukturálne zmeny a celkový vývoj. Zameriava sa na dôležité míľniky projektových ústavov Trnavy, Trenčína a Piešťan, a to konkrétne zmeny v štruktúrach spolu so zmenami prevádzkových budov, riaditeľov, zriaďovacej organizácie atď.
Fuchs, P.
Publikováno v
In: 12th ACAU 2023: Proceedings of 12th International PhD Students Conference. Brno Technical University, 2023. p. 39-50. ISBN 978-80-214-6206-9.
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The social life of rural areas has traditionally revolved around pubs, gyms, and, in recent years, cultural centres. The essence of these meeting places is intricately linked with their formal characteristics. Recently, there have been several significant projects in the Czech Republic that have transformed private estates into public spaces. In some instances, these new constructions draw inspiration from the rural barn. What kind of dynamic arises when these different architectural forms intersect, and how does this design approach influence the surrounding environment? This study primary delves into two case studies from the small villages of Skalička and Opatovice to explore these questions further.
Ullmannová, K.
Publikováno v
In: Censored? Conflicted Concepts of Cultural Heritage. Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2023. p. 64-73. ISBN 978-3-95773-304-7.
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The architecture of the second half of the 20th century in Czechia1 (including post-war architecture) is imbued with conflicts over its interpretation as heritage, which are to some extent connected to broader issues of society’s relationship to the heritage of its recent past. To be precise, it is about the architecture built between the Second World War and the Velvet Revolution in 1989, which marked the transition from a totalitarian to a parliamentary system. In this paper, I firstly present the background of post-war architecture in Czechia and the current research in this field. In the latter part, I outline some of the discourses with examples arising from contemporary debates in expert circles. Finally, I discuss how this topic links to censorship.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Petr Vorlík, Ph.D.