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457 výsledků

Shawash, J. - Marji, N., - Marji, N.
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International Journal of Architectural Research. 2023, 17(2), 323-342. ISSN 2631-6862.
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Purpose As the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan celebrates its first centenary, this paper presents a critical reading of the development of architecture in the Kingdom reflecting the transformation of national identity. Design/methodology/approach The paper achieves this aim by performing an analytical diachronic survey of the main architectural styles and trends that emerged in Jordan and links the architectural styles and trends to four main historical periods that characterize the national temporal trajectory, supported by examples of buildings, projects and architects that represent each period. Findings The results show the impacts of different forms of architectural modernism on local practice and explore attempts to create a national architectural identity that range in their ideological drive from Pan-Arabism to Jordanian localism. Originality/value The research adds to the discourse on Arab cities and architecture and shows the development of architectural trends in an Arab Muslim country, focusing on the interaction of architectural modernism with local variables. The research aims to supplement literature on Arab architecture with a critical and nuanced historical account of Jordanian architecture in the English language to serve a global audience.
Juha, M. - Fořtl, K.
Publikováno v
Praha: CTU FA. Department of Building Theory, 2023. edice 17/24. ISBN 978-80-01-07190-8.
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Nemocnice jsou složitou strukturou složenou z mnoha stavebních a technických prvků a léčebných, pracovních a provozních procesů a vztahů mezi nimi. Vyváženost tohoto systému, bezchybné vzájemné spolupůsobení a komunikace jednotlivých součástí má zásadní vliv na chod a ekonomiku celé nemocnice. Hledání této vyváženosti a hledání místa v tomto často až příliš technickém prostředí pro pacienta, člověka, který se stal dočasně pacientem, je předmětem této knihy. Kniha podrobně popisuje všechna základní oddělení, jejich umístění v organizační struktuře, jejich vzájemné vazby, skladbu a obvyklé uspořádání a vnitřní provozní vztahy. Popis začíná u primárních ergonomických prvků a končí podrobnými provozními toky všech složek, které se v nemocnic potkávají: ambulantní, hospitalizovaní, akutní pacienti; návštěvy; personál; čistý, sterilní a nesterilní materiál; léky, léčiva, roztoky a zdravotnické pomůcky; krevní a tkáňové vzorky; prádlo; strava; kojenecká strava; komunální, infekční a biologický odpad; písemná dokumentace; lůžka a zdravotnická technika; zemřelí. Významná část textu se zabývá podmínkami stavebním řešením objektů z hlediska dimenzování technických prostor, horizontálních a vertikálních tras, kolektorů, instalačních jader a konstrukčních výšek. Popsány jsou také technické a logistické systémy, které provoz nemocnice podporují, jako jsou výtahy; automatické dveřní systémy; automatický vozíkový dopravní systém; potrubní pošta; pneumatická doprava prádla; pneumatická doprava odpadu; systém distribuce léčiv; kontejnerový systém; tabletový systém distribuce stravy; systém pro přepravu malých, méně urgentních zásilek; automatický parkovací systém; počítačové komunikační systémy, dorozumívací zařízení, kontrola vstupu, bezpečnostní systémy, identifikace pacienta a další. Zvláštní pozornost je zaměřena na klíčová oddělení nemocnice, která se nejrychleji vyvíjejí a jsou poskytovateli té nejprogresivnější léčby. Jedněmi z nich jsou navigační chirurgie a robotická chirurgie. Kniha se zabývá typologií těchto prostor, jejich vývojem a potřebnou infrastrukturou a technickým vybavením. Texty jsou založeny na analýzách, rešerších a vlastních zkušenostech autorů a také na mnoha příkladech českých i zahraničních realizací.
Chen, L. ed.
Publikováno v
Antwerp, 2023-04-12/2023-04-15. Cumulus, 2023.
Chen, L. ed. - Emir Isik, G. ed. - Marji, N. ed., - Ravi Kumar, A. ed.
Publikováno v
Antwerp, 2023-04-12/2023-04-15. Cumulus, 2023.
Chen, L. - Kočí, V.
Publikováno v
In: Cultures, Communities & Design. AMPS, 2023. p. 395-407. ISSN 2398-9467.
Stať ve sborníku
With the accelerated ageing of the world’s population, countries are focusing on solving various life issues of seniors through the power of diverse communities to spend their twilight years in quality. In the context of active ageing and community transformation, this study explores sustainable design strategies for age-friendly communities based on the theory of Design for Sustainability (DfS). The Sustainable Transformation of Age-Friendly Communities (STAFC) indicator is the analysis criterion. Case studies of ageing communities in four countries of China, the USA, Spain, and Italy are analyzed in the following four areas: Outdoor space and buildings, Transport, Social participation, Civic participation, and employment. The positive role and impact of the theory in design planning strategies for ageing communities are demonstrated, illustrating future trends in sustainable ageing community design planning, and providing references for future research.
Chen, L. - Marji, N. - Emir Isik, G., - Ravi Kumar, A.
Publikováno v
In: Cumulus conference: Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict. Cumulus, 2023. p. 402-407. ISBN 9789401496476.
Stať ve sborníku
The world’s population is ageing. New measures and concepts of population ageing are significant for assessing the living conditions and living arrangements of the elderly, their contributions to society, and their needs for social protection and health care. In 2018 the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report subtitled “Looking back over the last decade, looking forward to the next”, which explicitly mentions technology as a support for age-friendly environments. Although the WHO has discussed the involvement of technology and computers in terms of access to information etc., and uses technology as a “supplementary indicator” regarding “internet access,” in 2019 Marston and van Hoof are critical of WHO’s Age-Friendly Cities and Communities model, which lacks reference to and recognition of technological solutions in multiple domains. Increasingly, scholars are finding recognition of the importance of technology and digitalisation as the third pillar of age-friendly cities and communities, particularly in terms of use-friendly and sustainable design, acceptance of technology, and implementation and caregiver needs. The creation of genuine multisectoral action based on cooperation between the various disciplines make it possible to achieve a truly age-friendly society for present and future generations. In the context of active ageing and global digital trends, this study focuses on the analysis of two digital practices (digital twins and artificial intelligence) in the built environment of age-friendly communities, discusses inclusive transformation strategies for age-friendly communities, presents a proposed framework for inclusive digital age-friendly community transformation, illustrates future trends in age-friendly community design planning, and provides a reference point for future research.
Chen, L.
Publikováno v
In: Cumulus conference: Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict. Cumulus, 2023. p. 700-703. ISBN 9789401496476.
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The world’s population is ageing and countries are urgently seeking new solutions to ageing issues. According to Irwin (2015), Transition Design (TD) is a new design proposition for a rapidly changing society based on thinking about the concept of the “long-term” and the idea of global localism, placing the natural world in a more macro context, and advocating a more systematic approach to the transition to a more sustainable future for a design-led society. In the context of active ageing, this PhD research aims to explore how TD guides Design Research and Practice, taking the example of the sustainable transformation of age-friendly community centres (AFCC), from the vision of stakeholders, and the perspective of designers and policymakers, incorporating stakeholders, especially older people, into the design decision-making process, recognizing their entire lifestyle, and involving the infrastructure reimagination, including the products, services, environment, and social systems involved. Through wicked problem in AFCC, stakeholder relations, historical evolution of wicked problem, future visions, and designing system interventions, discussing the transitional design strategy and future trends for AFCC. The transition framework and design strategies for sustainable inclusive AFCC under TD core tenets will be addressed. This will enrich the theoretical and practical basis of TD and have significant implications for the sustainable development of ageing communities.
Marji, N. ed. - Kohout, M. ed.
Publikováno v
Tampere, 2022-11-16/2022-11-18. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2022. ISBN 9781450399555.
Redčenkov, B. - Amblerová, K. - Hanzlíková, V., - Danda, V.
Publikováno v
Praha: CTU FA. Department of Building Theory, 2022. ISBN 978-80-01-07042-0.
Studentské práce ateliéru Redčenkov-Danda a ZAN Amblerová v AR 2021/2022 na Fakultě architektury ČVUT - projekty pro město Opava. Publikováno 80 studentských projektů. Katalog k výstavě Opava: Město očima budoucích architektů, 2. - 6. 10. 2022, OD Breda, Opava.
Žák, P. - Koucký, R., - Bálský, M.
Publikováno v
In: PROCEEDINGS 14th European Lighting Conference LUX EUROPA 2022. Ostrava: Česká společnost pro osvětlování, 2022. p. 335-338. ISBN 978-80-11-02269-3.
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Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, through its representatives, decided on a conceptual and systematic approach to the management of the public lighting. On the basis of this decision, a set of documents was submitted for processing under the title Concept of Prague Public Lighting. This set of documents is intended to specify what the night image of the city should be, creating through public and architectural lighting. When determining the night appearance of the city, not only the safety of the traffic of people and property, but also the undesirable effects of lighting on the surrounding environment and the effect of lighting on the appearance of public spaces should be taken into account. An integral part of the Concept of Prague Public Lighting is also the plan for the renewal and modernization of the public lighting system for the purposes of the city's financial planning. Concept of Prague Public Lighting also contains standards of activity and devices that specify requirements for activities related to public lighting and for products that are part of the public lighting system.

Za obsah této stránky zodpovídá: prof. Ing. arch. Michal Kohout