Fund mobility FA
The Fund Mobility of the FA CTU serves as a supportive and motivational tool for expanding the international contacts of the faculty in the field of study programs and scientific or research activities. The fund's main objective is to support the exchange of academic employees and students and participation in international study and professional events
Support can be granted to students pursuing bachelor's, master's, or doctoral studies; academic or scientific personnel; administrative personnel with a working time of 0.5 or more; faculty to partially reimburse the costs associated with the stay of a foreign academic or scientific personnel; and faculty to partially reimburse the costs associated with the study of a foreign student
How to apply for support from the Fund Mobility
1. Submission of the application
Before you travel, complete the online application for financial support from Fund Mobility. Remember to attach the necessary documents, such as a budget, acceptance letter, invitation letter, or scholarship application, depending on the type of trip.
You will know the outcome of your application within 30 days of the faculty deadline.
Types of attachments:
*1 Letter of acceptance or confirmation of nomination for the visit
*2 Invitation letter from a foreign workplace or event agreement
*3 Application for financial support for a foreign academic employee, a copy of the concluded work contract and a confirmation of payment from the accounting office
*4 Application form for a CTU scholarship (for students of the 2nd Master's year with a weighted average of less than or equal to 1.50),
*5 Justification of the usefulness of the action from the point of view of the FA CTU and specification of the outputs (V3S, RUV, exhibition, publication) in the scope of max. 1200 characters
*6 Event budget
*7 Mobility Agreement
*8 Proof of the allocation of a social scholarship
Financial support for:
Outgoing student mobility
- active participation of students in a foreign conference with peer-reviewed proceedings, short-term scientific or research stays of students abroad - attachment*1, *6
- students going abroad for study stays of one to two semesters in the framework of Erasmus+, only for recipients of social scholarhsip - attachment*1, *8
- students going abroad for study stays of one to two semesters in the framework MBD, double degree, etc. and doctoral research internships of at least 30 days, measured in the period from 1 September to 31 August, depending on the results of their studies and socio-economic opportunities - attachment *1, *6
Outgoing mobility of academic, scientific and administrative personnel - active participation of academic personnel in a foreign conference with peer-reviewed proceedings, short-term scientific or research stays of academic personnel abroad - attachment*1, *6
- short-term trips of academic personnel in the framework of defences, habilitations, appointment procedures, opponents of foreign projects, supervisors of work under double guidance, keynote lecturers - attachment*2, *6
- active preparation and implementation of international study and professional events abroad by academic personnel, with the participation of groups of students, in cooperation with a foreign partner - attachment*5, *6
- short-term visits to foreign workplaces by academic and scientific (possibly also administrative) personnel with the aim of establishing cooperation in the scientific and social field (establishing cooperation, concluding contracts, preparing joint study plans, etc.) - attachment*5, *6
Incoming student mobility
- selected foreign students of English programmes depending on their study results and socio-economic opportunities (for students of the 2nd Master's year with a weighted average of less than or equal to 1.50) - attachment*4
Incoming mobillity of academic, scientific and administrative personnel - stays of foreign visiting academic or scientific personnel at the faculty who teach at least 2 ETCS - attachment*3
- short-term arrivals of academic personnel in the context of defences, habilitations, appointment procedures, including opponents of foreign projects, supervisors of work under double supervision, keynote lecturers - attachment*3
- international study and professional events at the faculty by academic personnel, with the participation of groups of students, in cooperation with a foreign partner - attachment*5, *6
- short term arrivals of administrative personnel within the Erasmus+ program (staff training) - attachment*7
2. Create a travel order
Before departure, please create a travel order; your department's secretariat will help you with this. Choose your department as the source of funding. It is recommended that you do this at least one month before the trip for the necessary approval.
3. Purchase of flights and accommodation
At the same time as the travel order, arrange flights and accommodation through your department's secretariat.
The address to send a request for the purchase of air tickets is
When arranging your flight, you will be working with Profiair. Send them the name of the traveler, the destination, the exact dates and desired (at least approximate) flight times, and the type of luggage (hand luggage or checked-in). The Profiair coordinator will then send you the flight offers and price list; once you have made your choice, send the order to Profiair. You will then receive both the ticket itself and an invoice in your email for payment.
4. Approval of a travel order
The International Travel Coordinator will then approve or return your travel order online for correction.
5. After your return
Submit all necessary documents and a progress report in your travel order within 30 days of your return. Your Fund Mobility support may be canceled if you report late or incompletely.
6. Reporting of participation
Report your department's participation and the amount to the faculty
7. Review and approval of the financial accounts
The coordinator will check the attachments and billing. If everything is in order, she adjusts the funding source to Fund Mobility and approves the billing. Fund Mobility support is paid to students in the form of a scholarship. Travel orders are for employees only.
fUnd mobility 2024
Deadline for Round 2 applications: 31.10.2024
Applications must be submitted via a completed online Fund Mobility Application Form with the relevant attachments by the announced deadlines,
Attachments are specified in the online Fund Mobility Application Form.
Results - 2nd round (OCTOBER 2024)
important documents
Statute of the Mobility Fund of the Faculty of Architecture of CTU Dean's Order No. 3/2023 (PDF, 217,32 KB)
Mobility Fund of the Faculty of Architecture of CTU Rules of Procedure of the Council of the Fund (PDF, 156,54 KB)
Mobility Fund of the Faculty of Architecture of CTU Announcement of the Academic Mobility Competition (PDF, 187,28 KB)